I think alcohol is what fuels this hostile environment. Which is no big surprise since my mom is an ex-bartender and she is not necessarily the soberest person to be around. Hell my sister and I were even permitted to drink Wine Coolers at 7 and 10 years old. Alcohol has always been part of my life. I don't want to say that my family is a bunch of drunks but whenever a family crisis occurs you can bet your life that Alcohol was involved.
But I digress, I dislike Christmas because in my family, this environment allows people to gather that are guaranteed to clash. During Christmas, someone always ends up having their feelings hurt; it is like an inevitable family tradition that during Christmas there well always be at least one person unhappy.
But alas I am relieved now that Christmas is over and done with. I can now return to the safety of my mundane life not that its any less dysfunctional but there is only so much quality family time I can put up with before ultimately succumbing to a nervous breakdown. How did you guys spend your holidays?
Pix - I feel your pain. I'll write more about mine in a few days as my parental unit is still here for another couple days. It's been almost two weeks of dysfunction for me! Hang in there!
Hey Pix, if there is any good side to this, is that you refuse to accept this situation as normal.
Pix D-List has gone to the dogs.
I feel your pain Joy but I still love the site.
Pixie you are a gorgeous woman if that's you. Or not.
No its not me but a friend told me that reminded him of me.
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