Hi everyone I am back! Two things are happening simultaneously in my life right now, I am experiencing burnout from my college course load (I am only taking 3 classes) and I have been accepted into an advance Science program which is all very bad timing. The weird thing is I do not remember applying to this program. I got a letter last week from my college congratulating me on my academic success and informing me that I have earned a spot with an advance science program. All I have to do now is increase my college course load even further by taking an additional science class, maintain a 3.5 GPA, and participate in 15-20 hours in on campus research a week. It seems really impossible but the catch is if all goes well with this program I might be eligible for an internship at Harvard!
I told my mom about this program and now she told all my relatives that I have been accepted into Harvard LOL!
lol at your mom, she is just excited.
But you are smart enough to do the internship.
Pix, you are even smarter!
Do the best you can do, baby!
email me to chat..i've been through university................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How exciting, good for you Pix!!!
congratulations, pixie! taking a cue from your mom, i can now claim i actually know someone from harvard.
That rocks! You are really on your way! I have the utmost respect and extreme envy for anyone with a scientific mind.
Good for you! This a huge accomplishment!
Congratulations! This is very exciting news, Pix. You'll keep us all up to date on the news?
Mucho congrats Pix! And I know burnout is tough to deal with but you'll pull through (wish I had better advice, sorry).
The advanced science program definitely seems worth it and I'm sure you'll do stellar. Let us know when you get the Harvard internship.
Wow, you are a total smarty pants! I am going to add you to my ever growing list of people in my life that I envy. I am really proud of you. I wish I had a scientific mind, but alas that didn't happen. As Oprah would say, "YOU GO GIRL."
Much props, Pixie! I wonder if one of your professors submitted your name for the program? Considering you want to go to medical school, this sounds like an amazing opportunity! I'm very happy for you, congratulations again.
Well done, Pix!!
Thanks Guys!
I haven't started the program yet I still need to talk to my guidance councler and find out more information about it but I am really happy to even be nominated for it.
Pix if you go to Harvard I can visit you. My friends little brother goes there, I go to Cambridge/Boston/Provincetown every summer.
happy st. patrick's day, pixie!
in honor of today, i think i'll go to an irish pub, drink green beer and beat the hell out of someone. i'm kidding. i hate beer.
Your mom called.. said you're going to Harvard! Congrats!! :)
Hey Pix! How are things? Hope things are getting less hectic.
Hey Pixie, Anymore news on your possible venture to Harvard?
Good stuff..I got a 3.0 in college..I don't know how people like you get such good grades hahahah I am just not that smart!! I have a girlfriend who got 4.0's all 3 years of school ..Honors every year..Man that's smart! And that was Nursing!
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