School is back in session with a vengeance. I am trying my hardest not to procrastinate doing homework but online classes make it so easy! Damn you guys and all your interesting blogs. I foresee many sleepless nights trying to catch up on months worth of homework ahead. In the meantime this reminds of a funny joke:
A new teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses. She started her class by saying, "Everyone who thinks they are stupid, stand up!" After a few seconds, Little Johnny stood up.
The teacher said, "Do you think you're stupid, Johnny?
"No, ma'am, but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself!"
I love the idea of online courses. That would've been sweet when I was struggling to wake up for 8am class.
That's a good one! I hope Johnny got a whoop-ass!
Online courses are so convinent Pru. However the amount of homework given out is ridiculous!
I am so grateful, for I do not start until Sept 28th. We are on the quarter system at UC Davis, so i have a few weeks of vacation left. I still have a trip to San Diego and Austin left in me before I begin my trip into hell the last week of Sept.
Ryan - Are you a vet student?
Pix - That is a GREAT photo for this post! Bravo!
Good luck with school this year, Pixie. I'm feeling some serious envy that you are learning.
No LA, I am an MBA Student, but I have many friends that are either Vet students or are veterinarians. I am actually going to Texas A&M University in a few weeks to visit my good friends Brad and Claire. They are married and are both veterinarians who are in residents at the university.
LA thanks I thought this photo was hilarious.
Ryan Austin is a great city I am sure you'll love it!
Mishy if it makes you feel better I am not learning that much yet.
As soon as I graduated, college immediately became a distant memory.
Thanks, Ryan.
Flix - Word.
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