Filmed deep in the Yucatan jungle, Apocalypto takes place during the decline of the Mayan civilization. Here we find a young Mayan man living a peaceful life the way his ancestors have before him. However this is shattered early on when the brutal ruling class ( the Aztecs I presume) pillage and raid his village looking for human sacrafices.
From this point on the movie only gets gorier as the young man manages to escape a beheading, kill one of his captors and outrun an angry jaguar. Although the ending is not historically accurate if you have the stomach for it I really suggest you go and watch this movie.
I hope to see it for the 'gore' effect. I am not looking for a history lesson when i go to the movies. I want history I will watch channel 13 not Mel lol
I'm avoiding it b/c of the gore . . .
I'd go see it if it had zombies. I like my gore with zombies thanks.
Honkie this movie all gore and no history. I think you will like it.
Diane for the same reasons I listed above don't watch this movie.
Pru if this movie had zombies, it would be 100 times better.
Hey wait you did not mention if there was nudity....is there?
Well the Mayans did not wear much clothes so there is a little nudity but not a whole lot.
good enuff for me :D
pix. i'm glad you were able to reserve judgment and see a movie without thinking about the scandal involved. i have to confess, i saw mission impossible 3 and i thought it was great. alot of it had to do with jj abrams direction, but tom cruise is completely convincing as an action hero. i know some people refuse to look past his idiocy, but c'mon angelina jolie as a domesticated wife of a CIA member? sometimes you gotta suspend disbelief.
btw: honkeie2, i checked out your blog and it's pretty freakin' funny.
You were brave to sit through the gore Pix. I won't be seeing it for that reason, not because of Mel's past behaviour.
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