Which Famous Homosexual Are You?
Yeah, baby. You were the King of Macedonia, and conqueror of much of the world; you're responsible for the spread of Christianity, as well as Hellenistic society and even the Roman Empire. Your power was feared for thousands of miles around.
And how gay were you. When you'd conquered Persia, you fell in love with a male courtier from that court - scandalous in those days, because the Persians were believed to be uncivilised barbarians.You were always really in love with your boyhood friend, Hephaestion, and when he died you were grief-stricken to a legendary degree: convinced that he would live on after death, you passed away soon afterwards.
I am Eleanor Roosevelt! Nice to see you. A Roosevelt yourself, you married your fifth cousin Franklin; despite the obvious incestuous overtones, your six kids were happy and healthy. When Franklin got elected, you became perhaps the most controversial first lady ever - you spoke out for the rights of women; for the rights of the poor; for world peace. You were even a member of a union while your husband was in office - and when he died, you were the head of the UN Commission on Human Rights. All of which is pretty kick ass, but to top things off you had a hot and steamy relationship with the lesbian journalist Lorena Hickok, who was so madly in love with you that she halted her career for you. Unfortunately, you couldn't give up your public life that easily - leaving her heartbroken.
Too funny, Pixie!
Damn for some reason I can't connect to this link. I'd like to have been Alice B. Tolkas though. I hear she made some amazing brownies.
Like Mishy, I am Eleanor Roosevelt. Considering she was an advocate for women, the poor, world peace, and human rights, I'm honored!
Hah. This quiz is pretty hilarious and interesting. Way to go on the quiz choice Pix!
I too got Eleanor Roosevelt. And I am completely fine with that. She was a kick-arse lady.
Wooh. You're Paul the Apostle!
As lowly tent-maker Saul, you hated the Christians and persecuted them, until God got Biblical on your ass. You soon changed your name to Paul and became an ardent follower of Jesus Christ, preaching the good word wherever you went.
These days you're the patron saint of a whole bunch of different things, including musicians, newspaper editorial staff and hospital public relations. Don't ask us, we don't assign these things.
You're also gay. John Shelby Spong, Archbishop of Newark, has written: "The war that went on between what he desired with his mind and what he desired with his body, his drivenness to a legalistic religion of control, his fear when that system was threatened, his attitude toward women, his refusal to seek marriage as an outlet for his passion -- nothing else accounts for this data as well as the possibility that Paul was gay."
In the Bible you are seen to wrestle with your sexual desires, even though you yourself write about men laying with men as being "unseemly". A clear case of repression and denial?
Hey - what did I need to say to get Eleanor like everyone else?
Notoriously, you're Cary Grant!
You churned out a bunch of high quality movies from an uncredited role in Singapore Sue (1931) to Walk Don't Run (1966), working with everyone from Alec Guinness to Alfred Hitchcock, through Katherine Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe. Your birth name was Archibald Leach - but that didn't stop you from being a mega-successful, international movie star.
You were also as gay as a Cornwall beach house; a long-running fling with fellow article Randolph Scott, who you lived with for many years, was followed by five unhappy marriages. You always denied your homosexuality, but being gay wasn't acceptable to a mainstream audience back then - and let's face it, you're pretty much a repressed stereotype.
I had no idea half of these people were gay.
I'm Alex the Great too! Great Minds, Pixie, Great minds
Joy, I adore Cary Grant
Cary Granr was hottttttt!
Eleanor Roosevelt! Nice to see you.
A Roosevelt yourself, you married your fifth cousin Franklin; despite the obvious incestuous overtones, your six kids were happy and healthy.
When Franklin got elected, you became perhaps the most controversial first lady ever - you spoke out for the rights of women; for the rights of the poor; for world peace. You were even a member of a union while your husband was in office - and when he died, you were the head of the UN Commission on Human Rights.
All of which is pretty kick ass, but to top things off you had a hot and steamy relationship with the lesbian journalist Lorena Hickok, who was so madly in love with you that she halted her career for you. Unfortunately, you couldn't give up your public life that easily - leaving her heartbroken.
Sweet, I am proud to be compared to this fine First Lady!
This quiz sounds AWESOME! I have to take it, now. Good job on getting Alexander. He pulled off some awesome shit in his day.
Notoriously, you're Cary Grant!
You churned out a bunch of high quality movies from an uncredited role in Singapore Sue (1931) to Walk Don't Run (1966), working with everyone from Alec Guinness to Alfred Hitchcock, through Katherine Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe. Your birth name was Archibald Leach - but that didn't stop you from being a mega-successful, international movie star.
You were also as gay as a Cornwall beach house; a long-running fling with fellow article Randolph Scott, who you lived with for many years, was followed by five unhappy marriages. You always denied your homosexuality, but being gay wasn't acceptable to a mainstream audience back then - and let's face it, you're pretty much a repressed stereotype.
Oh my!
Very creative,I like it.
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