Its funny how she made a big fuss about losing weight a year ago and now her weight seems to be creeping back up. Oprah when will you learn it is better to keep your mouth shut about your weight-loss than to be humiliated with pictures like these. You also need to fire your stylist because your hair and make-up are no longer cutting it.
thank you for saying what i've been thinking all last year. for someone who is supposedly all about empowerment, she sets a bad example for women with all of her weight obsession.
hope you had a happy valentine's day, pixie! i'm still on vacation, but managed to find my way to the internet!! haha
Thanks for dropping by PK. When it comes to weight loss Oprah is all talk.
Oprah is becoming a difficult woman for me to like.
I would love to know what she and Tom and Katie are talking about right there.
Listen, I've hated Oprah for years, and it has nothing to do with her weight. But I totally agree with PK. Her obsession with her weight actually paints the opposite picture than the one she thinks she's presenting.
Wow - I thought my weight swings were bad . . . and I don't have a bevy of personal chefs and trainers
Mishy I agree with you Oprah is a difficult woman to like especially with her holyer than thou attitude.
Pru knowing Oprah she is probably giving TomKat weight-loss advice.
LA I feel guilty saying it but its nice seeing Oprah(Queen of the Media) struggle with her weight.
Diane if I had Oprah's money I'd find a way to stay fit one way or another.
Oprah is a closet lesbian. She has reasons to eat. Come out come out and get that doughnut out of your mouth.
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