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I have added you guys to my link section. Now if I can only figure out how the hell the Link Section ended up at the bottom of my blog I'll be a happy camper. But I guess I'll have to figure it out once I have more spare time on my hands.UPDATE: I changed the template, how do you guys like it?
I can answer this one! When you have very lenghty posts with either alot of text or losts of pictures, it makes your sidebar drop. It happened to me too, then I cahnged template styles and re-published and it showed up at the top again.
Joy does that mean I need to change template styles?
Pix it worked for me, I think if you like your template change it, then change back.
Thanks for the info Joy.
Pix - the new template looks great! But I see the links in the sidebar where they belong, not at the bottom.
I am glad you like it LA.
It worked !!!
Pix, if You dont like it, you can always change back.
Joy thank you so much for your help. I am kind of digging this new template.
Looks gorgeous PixieG!! Great job and thanks for the link up darling!! :)
BTW, how is school going?? Good I hope!!
I hanging on Jane but I won't get another 'progress-report' until next week.
I will keep my keep my fingers crossed for you! :)
Thanks for your support Jane. I really appreciated it.
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