I discovered my Angelfish Zoey floating near the bottom of my fishtank today. I only had her for a few months and I don't have the slightest idea of how she could have died. I am suspecting one of the other fish killed her out of jealousy because she was so beautiful but its only a theory. R.I.P. Zoey you will be missed.
Awww....I am sorry PixieG, she was very beautiful!....She looked like she had zebra stripes!....Maybe if get more angelfish, you should get them their own tank???? I don't know, I have never had fish other that goldfish when I was a kid. What do you think??
Damn! I'm sorry, Pix! What a beautiful fish your Zoey was.
Thanks you guys, she was a beautiful fish.
Jane that is a good idea. If I do get another Angelfish I will be sure to give it its own tank.
What other fish do you have in the tank?
I don't know their proper names but there is an eel, a shark, and two other topical fishes. One has tiger stripes and the other is just grey.
Could be the one with the tiger stripes. I forget the freshwater names too.
That is what I was thinkg GetFlix. I've seen the tiger fish acting all aggressive with the all the other fishes. Who knows.
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