• B-Best Friend? Vicky who I have known since Kindergarden.
• C-Cake or Pie? Chocolate Cake is the best.
• D-Drink Of Choice? Anything with caffeine or alcohol.
• E-Essential Item You Use Everyday? I have to go with my computer.• F-Favorite Color? I love any shade of purple.
• G-Gummy Bears Or Worms? I am more of a chocolate girl.
• H-Hometown? Although raised in Texas I was actually born in Albuquerque.
• I-Indulgence? Good food.
• J-January Or February? January.
• K-Kids & Their Names? I can't even afford a pet.
• L-Life Is Incomplete Without? Art of any kind.
• M-Marriage Date? LOL! I don't even have time to date right now.
• N-Number Of Siblings? Three.
• O-Oranges Or Apples? Apples.
• P-Phobias/Fears? I'm a little claustrophobic but my main fear is being stranded in open waters.
• Q-Favorite Quote? "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." ~Albert Einstein~
• R-Reason to Smile? Accomplishing my goals.
• S-Season? Fall.
• T-Tag Three or Four People? I'll pass.
• U-Unknown Fact About Me? I was asked to audition for a theater group after a member saw me in a school play at 10.
• V-Vegetable you don't like? Cucumbers.
• W-Worst Habit? I have to say I can be lazy at times and I do tend to procrastination a lot.
• X-X-rays You've Had? Dental and hips when I dislocated one of them.
• Y-Your Favorite Food? Anything Italian.
• Z-Zodiac Sign? Taurus and yes I am so very stubborn.
Yay you're back and you did this meme! It's interesting how many Taurus's we have in our web group.
Thanks Pru being a Taurus kicks ass!
Taurus rules!
Tons 'o' Taurus!
Are you a closet actress, Pixi?
caffiene + alcohol not that is a drink!
Being a Taurus is the new black.
Honkeie2: Red Bull and Vodka is a drink. Now that is a crazy experience!
Born in New Mexico? That's cool!!
LA I thought about being an actress for a time but I kind of outgrew that phase.
Honkie OH if they only made caffinated beer!
Mishy I just love being a taurus don't youo? I might have to try that redbull/vodka drink soon!
GetFlix all of my dad's side is from New Mexico. They are all mostly native Americans. I am a quarter Apache.
Apache? That is so cool!!
Great quote!
NOOOO not beer(I love beer) but it doesnt love me back. It gave me the small gut I have going at the momment lol.
They do have a caffinated drink. I forget the name but it resembles a battery with a negetive sign on the bottom and a plus sign on the time. Its like liquid crack, they even have a carb free version. Got to love it!
I once had caffinated coffee beer at some little microbrewery swear to God. It was cracktastic! I can't believe it hasn't become the next big thing.
OMG Pru that is the greatest thing I have heard all day! Do you remember what the caffinated coffee beer was called?
Pru - Details!
I'm almost afraid to ask how you dislocated your hip. I bet it has something to do with being single. I just know it.
Ffluer I know I have to work on that. A survey I read somewhere said that over 70% of college students procrastinate so I am not alone.
Kookla I dislocated my hip in a car accident but I was single at that time.
The drink I was talking about is called 'Sparks'
It taste like sweet tarts...yum!
Yummy I like sweet tarts!
damn, pix. that must have been some car accident. all i got was whiplash.
PK the doctor said I was lucky to be alive.
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