I must admit I never was a big fan of Maggie Gyllenhaal. Aside from being Jake's sister, I found nothing appealing about her. She always looked frumpy and seemed uncomfortable in her own skin. However pregnancy has really done her good. I can't really point it out but her whole demeanor has changed for the better. Here is hoping she has a baby girl because I think Jake would look absolutley adorable with a niece.
She reminds me of Rachel Ray in this pic.
She does kind of look like Katie Holmes minus the brainwashed look.
It's all those hormones racing thru her body. Oh, and her milk sacks have filled-in. That always makes them happy.
It's the comfortable shoes. I have a pair of those sandles and they are great.
Comfortable shoes would make anyone happy.
Think how cute I will be carrying her niece or nephew!
LA you can take care of the baby while I go after Jake.
i saw saarsgard's penis in "kinsey" and i'm just wondering how maggie got pregnant.
I don't find Saarsgard attractive at all.
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