Thursday, July 27, 2006

To Many Chettos For Britney.

In Touch magazine is reportedly running an article that claims Britney Spears went into false labor recently because of her poor eating habbits. Doctors ordered Britney to eat more veggies and less junk food. I want to call her dumb for not knowing what nutrition is but I just feel sorry for her. On a scale of 1-10 how embarrassed do you think Britney was by this news?


LA said...

She's not embarrassed, she's too stoopid to be embarrassed.

Pix - You're sweet to feel sorry for her. I'm a bitch who has no pity for her whatsoever.

M-M-M-Mishy said...

She's a full on trainwreck. Maybe she could name her next baby Amtrack.

PixieGaf said...

I was all for watching her crash & burn but now its just like beating a dead dog. Its no fun and just sad.

prettykitty said...

dont feel sorry for britney. she just took a good dump, farted and then chewed some gum and forgot about it all.