I know that there are rumors you are Toothy Tile. You have been seen all over town with this guy and you even went so far as to go out with this creature. I know everyone makes mistakes. If you promise not to be gay anymore I promise not to turn into a weird, demented stalker.
P.S. Keep straight
LOL! Oh honey, I think it's gonna take more than the promise not to stalk. Besides, if he's straight, how could not stalk him? I love the picture you chose of him, it's one of my faves. The just-out-of-bed-from-doing-it-all-night look totally works on him.
Yes it is a sexy picture but it totally depresses me when I think about who he could be doing-it with.
You may have a slight window of oppurtunity, they ususaly go back and forth between guys and girls in their twenties, before they finally settle in to their reality.
Joy all I can do is hope.
PixieG, I like to think of you and LA as the Jake girls....I know you both *heart* him so!! :)
Yes indeed I heart Jake.
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