But this does not sit well with him and he keeps on studying the picture of Star until finally gasping with clarity "Oh Monster." he says. I burst out laughing as he walks away content that he has classified the beast that is Star Jones."Hippo" he asks looking really confused.
"No, its just one hell of an ugly lady" I tell him.
Monster? It works for me. She's ugly on the inside.
She's such an arrogant bitch. I really don't care what she looks like, but I hate who she is.
Bwahahaha... That is so funny.
"Oh Monster." Too hilarious.
from the mouth of babes....
hahahah hippo monster...he couldn't have said it better.
Its amazing how kids can see right through you.
Children are so perceptive!.....I cannot stand Starsquatch, she is so ugly on the inside, it makes her even uglier on the outside....what a waste of space.
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