When Ffleur first asked this question in the Tara post I began to wonder why Alec Baldwin had aged so fast and so bad. I had heard rumors that he was a raging alcholic and that he was very abusive toward Kim Basinger when they were married. So it could be just plain old karma getting back at him but who knows. One thing is for sure he does not look half as hot as he did when he was a little bit younger.
The difference between picture #1 and picture #2 is probably 20 years. 'Nuf said as far as I'm concerned. I kinda applaud Alec for not subjecting himself to plastic surgery and just aging like a regular joe.
But I definitely agree that he does look like he has an alcoholic's bloat.
LA you are right no one is going to look as good as they did in their 20's. But then you look at Kim and she has aged really beautifully while Alec has not been so lucky.
Gee, I'll post some before/after pics of myself and you can have some good chuckles :) But, he does have an alcoholic bloat to him.. I agree. And I had heard he drank.. so there y'are. He's still not a hideous troll. And I also agree, happy he's not going to plastic surgery route.
Booze does add the calories. I also saw him on a talk show where he admited to being an overeater. He could slim down if he worked at it.
I was going to post something similar. I like him, I think he's a good actor. I don't beleive he abused Kim, I think he has a bad temper, that' it.
Kim is not very balanced either she has agoraphbia & plus their divorce was so bitter. I think she said it to ruin him and sad part is she kind of succeeded.
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