I have always feared open water. Maybe it is because I am not a strong swimmer and I have already drowned twice. But to me there is nothing more savage than the ocean. One minute it can me calm and serene and the next rough and unforgiving. I also have a big fear of sharks and jellyfish. Once again these are things you can only find inside the ocean. Just out of curiosity what do you guys fear?
I have a big fear of being alone in my house at night. The whole killer in the house thing freaks me out!
Damn you, 80's slasher films!
Pix, my fear is absolutely identical! Seriously! I can even swim, and I love to swim. But if anyone ever asked me if I wanted to go diving in the ocean.. I would scream and run. But if someone asked me if I wanted to be shot into space on a rocket HELL YEAH!! I don't know what it is about the fishies and odd unknown man-eating monsters that just FREAKS ME OUT!! The idea of swimming along and then WHAM this THING will appear out of the blue! Pix, never ever watch that movie 'Open Water'. Seriously. It will fuck you up :)
My husband is afraid of flying. But as a child, he was afraid of cotton candy. Freak.
i grew up near the ocean and my favorite spot is this rock that juts out by the sea. every time i visit my parents, i go to my "thinking place". i always wanted to live on a boat. my dream is to one day take surfing lessons. my dad took me fishing once and i was a natural. i went river rafting with friends.
i am terrified of water and dogs. i get totally spastic if i encounter either of these fears. which is why my boyfriend dubbed me "prettykitty".
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