It is official Britney Spears is knocked up yet again. The baby will be born sometime in early October making her about 4 months pregnant. Now besides choosing to spawn yet again with her sh*t for brains husband my only question is wasn't she seen drinking alcohol and partying about 2 months ago? Does she not know that consuming alcohol while pregnant can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome?
LOL Ffluer! Someone really needs to teach Britney some parenting skills.
I think they should give her an accidetal tubal ligation in the delivery room.
This is a disaster waiting to happen. She's almost killed the first one at least twice already, so this second one is in for a rough ride.
Britney is clueless. Look at the freak she picked to make the babies with.
she just wants a perfect one now that she broke the other one's head.
I hope it's a girl so she can dress it up in slutty, trailer-trash outfits.
Can I bring attention to the fact that she's driving a car around with her kid sitting on her lap?
That's smarts for ya.
She got a vist from Child Protective Services following that little stunt.
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