However the tolerance I had for Elizabeth broke today when she went on the show accusing Law & Order of being socially irresponsible for using a name that was similar to hers on a rape victim for the show. First of all the characters name was Elizabeth Hassenbach not Hasselbeck and that is where the similarities end. I mean I could see if the character was an annoying talk show host with a right wing agenda where she might have gotten this crazy idea the Law & Order was making fun of her but the show did not do anything like that. Elizabeth only fixated on the similarity of the character’s name and actually stated that she is the only person in the world (except for maybe a few in Germany) that has the name Elizabeth Hasselbeck, therefore the show must have been targeting her.
Being the self righteous woman that she is she explained how she called the executive producer of Law & Order to chastise him for using her name (again it was not actually her name it only sounded like her name.) Not surprisingly the guy chalked it up to coincidence and hung up on her. Still reeling from not being heard and respected she went on this outrageous rant on The View about how even though she likes the actors that come out in Law & Order she will not sit next to one of them if they come on the View because she feels she will be supporting the executive producer of Law & Order if she does that.
The whole idea that she is a big enough star that Law & Order would intentionally pick on her just left a bad taste in my mouth but what really got me mad is that she would use what little ‘star-power’ she has in order take out her anger on innocent bystanders. I am sorry but that is just wrong and one of her co-host should be strong enough to pull her off her high horse.
Hasselbeck needs to be taken down a peg or three. I too doubt that the writers/producers of L&O could even name the women on the view - least of all her. She is so annoying . . . UGH!!!
She is annoying and dellusional!
I saw that episode and I too was reminded of Hasselcrack. But hey, they have to use somebody's last name right? I mean come on? Is she that delusional? I guess she is!
Ahhhh, c'mon Pix!! You're lovin' every moment of this. Admit it!!
(It sounds like crazy fun!)
GetFlix I am having fun hating her now!
well imagine how the real jane doe feels about her name being used on so many episodes of CSI! seriously, this hasselback chick gets her panties in a wad about every little thing.
does anyone really watch the view?
I'm actually enjoying the view more and more (I don't actually watch it, I just watch the funny youtube clips that people have on their blogs when Elisabeth says something moronic). Everyone said that when Rosie joined she was going to get into fights with Barbara and with Joy, but I knew she'd do me proud and crack on this crazy woman.
And you're right Pix. If the Law and Order victim had that name and was also a reality tv show personality turned annoying talk show host who married some random sports player, then I'd award her the win on this arguement. But just with this? No.
I'm sorry but why do you ladies even watch The View? It must be like your WWE. Though I don't get why people watch that either.
But I must admit that Hasselcrack (lol@ryan) is hilarious. First the pro-gun rant. Now this. I'm totally with you Pix, she's annoying and delusional.
V its amusing mindless chatter.
I'm totally with you on this one. She's so annoying it's not even funny.
I really loathe this ho. She is the most uptight judgemental bitch I've seen on the boob tube in a while. Why hasn't Rosie killed her yet?
Fortunately, I've never watched the show, but I did have the nerve to post this about Hasselback, just because I thought it was hilarious! L&O do ripped from the headline stuff all the time, but this was obviously just a fluke.
Ha ha, get a clue, Lizzy. Oh and a sense of humor would help her as well.
I'm a lady, and I've never once watched The View.
they should have left her skinny little ass on that survivor island.she is a little prick.i hate her
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