Wesley Snipes was accused of tax fraud yesterday. Apparently he has failed to file tax returns for the past six years and he also allegedly tried to cheat the government out of 12 million dollars in false refund claims. He could face a maximum of 16 years in prison if convicted. He has not been arressted yet because the authorities don't know where he is! That is some shady shit.
I remember seeing Snipes on Letterman and he was in full Blade gear. I think he actually thought he was Blade. He always seemed like a sneaky bastage, lol.
Yeah, I saw on the news tonight that he's considered a fugative from the law right now! What a trip!
Gotta pay the man, Wes!
what? wesley went AWOL? are you sure the vampires didn't get him?
maybe he can share a cell with Richard Hatch for their own little game of Survivor
A modern day Al Capone.
Oops, that sucks for him. Did he think the IRS wasn't going to suspect something. Dumb Ass!
Wesley thought he was being slick.
No sign of him yet?
What a dope. Doesn't he know he can pay a fancy ass accountant to come up with creative ways to keep from paying taxes. The rich do it all the time.
As far as I know he hasn't been caught yet LA.
I agree with you Pru he just should have done it the smart way by hireing a shady accountant.
I'm sure that if they let the dogs sniff one of his nasty caps, they'll track his ass down.
I think we might have another Roman Polanski on our hands.
BREAKING WESLEY NEWS: Dude is in Nambia filming a movie.
PPS. Nambia doesn't have any extradition laws.
Oops. The country's name is actually spelled "NamIbia". Must brush up on Geography skills.
Nambia is a chemical hair straightener. Maybe Wesley was looking for that? I guess this means no sequel for "Too Wong Foo"? I sure hope noone said that already because I made that up just now.
Thanks for the update Mishy! I bet he plans on staying there.
He can hide out at my place in the Poconos, nobody will ever find him!
We get so much mafia over there it's not funny. They try not to stick out but they do!!!!
Joy I heard about that. The FBI did a raid there a few years ago.
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