The tackiest gift I got for Christmas was Glow a peice of shit perfume made by a peice of shit artist. This perfume reeks and I am not just saying that because I despise J-Lo. How can I describe to you the rancid smell of her cheap perfume, my boyfriend said it smelled like Raid and I think he is right. Let me put it another way, picture it Friday night I was getting ready to go out I had just taken a shower and I decided to try something new. Instead of using my regular old perfumes for some stupid reason I decided to use Glow. I had never used it before so I had no idea what it smelled like but as soon as I sprayed some on I nearly coughed to death on its wretched smell. I tried rubbing it off but that just made it worse. I had no choice but to go on my date smelling like Raid with the faint afterscent of baby-powdered flowers, which is exactly how Glow smells like. Anyways my boyfriend who had no idea I had worn this perfume kept telling me he smelled Raid everywhere he went. Needless to say I was embarressed and I told him what happened. We had a good laugh about it but afterwards I was so mad I descided I was going to throw the perfume away but then I thought I still have the box and I only used it once maybe I can return it. I asked my sister where she got the perfume but she conviniently forgot. So I assume one of two things happened she had recieved this perfume as an early Christmas present and hated the way it smelled so she gave it to me or she bought this present just to spite me because she does know how much I dislike J-lo. Anyway I just thought I'd right this cautionary tale to warn people of J-Lo's awful cheap perfume, Glow.
I'm so sorry you got that load of crap! I feel so bad. Really. I'm so sorry.
Re-gifting cheap perfume?! Save the box, and give it back to her on her birthday!!!
GetFlix that is genius!
Oh and Joy don't worry about giving me cheap perfume is not the worst thing my sister has done.
I feel for you, I don't have a relationship with my sister at all, she is very cruel.
Is she older or younger than you?
I like the idea of re-gifting back to her, too! I would kill my sister if she gave me that shit! She knows better, she would never do that!
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