The scariest book I read by far is Malchi Martin's 'Hostage to the Devil.' Father Malachi Martin is a catholic priest who compiled 5 true stories of 5 different contemporary Americans who have been deemed possed by the Catholic church. The reason I like this book so much is because it goes into great detail, its very graphic to say the least. But the book also has an extensive biography of each person involved in the actual possion and first hand accounts of paranormal happenings. Basically it pretty much scared the shit out of me. If you are looking for a peacful read do not pick up this book. It gave me nightmeres for a week and even if you don't believe in possesion it is still an interesting read.
Thanks pix, I will so pick this book up.
Its a scary book Joy but it does have a lot of Catholic over-tones.
That's cool, I was looking for something new to read :)
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